Our Story

Hello, my name is Ben Kauffman and I am the founder of this new idea called the Kauffie Company. For the last six years I have been working as a Barista in London and I noticed the how the coffee community has, become somewhat closed minded on how to enjoy this incredible gift that is coffee.

Our stance is clear, we want to create best quality coffee possible, but we want to everyone along for the ride. Coffee is something anyone can enjoy, and we started the Kauffie Company for this reason. Our Mission is to build a sanctuary for everyone to be able to enjoy the highest quality product possible, but without the judging. Someone’s morning coffee routine is absolutely sacred to that person and an escape from the crazy world around them, why we should judge them if they don’t happen to drink a super crazy funky pour-over?

We at the Kauffie Company cannot wait to invite you try some of the concoctions we have been dreaming up behind the scenes.

In the next year we will be establishing our plan to bring the home barista on par with the professional, starting with home-brewing and espresso classes with some of our friends from around the world. Stay tuned for more information.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am only for myself, what am I?

If not now, when?